from abpytools.features.regions import ChainDomains
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from abpytools.utils.data_loader import DataLoader
import os
from abpytools.utils import PythonConfig
amino_acid_index = {"R": 0,
"N": 1,
"D": 2,
"E": 3,
"Q": 4,
"K": 5,
"S": 6,
"T": 7,
"C": 8,
"H": 9,
"M": 10,
"A": 11,
"V": 12,
"G": 13,
"I": 14,
"L": 15,
"F": 16,
"P": 17,
"W": 18,
"Y": 19}
[docs]class AminoAcidFreq(ChainDomains):
def __init__(self, antibody_objects=None, path=None, region='CDR3', load=False):
super(AminoAcidFreq, self).__init__(antibody_objects=antibody_objects, path=path, load=load)
regions = ['all', 'CDRs', 'FRs', 'FR1', 'FR2', 'FR3', 'FR4', 'CDR1', 'CDR2', 'CDR3']
if region in regions:
# get the sequence for the specified region
self.region = region
if self.region.startswith('CDR'):
self._sequences = [self.cdr_sequences()[name][self.region] for name in self.names]
data_loader = DataLoader(data_type='CDR_positions', data=['chothia', self.chain])
self._numbering = data_loader.get_data()[self.region]
elif self.region.startswith('FR'):
self._sequences = [self.framework_sequences()[name][self.region] for name in self.names]
# TODO: implement 'all'
elif self.region == 'all':
raise NotImplementedError("This is not the code you're looking for.")
raise ValueError('Parameter region must be either: {}. Not {}'.format(' ,'.join(regions), region))
self._sequence_count = len(max(self._sequences, key=len))
self._aa_freq = np.zeros((20, self._sequence_count))
self._aa_hyd_freq = np.zeros((3, self._sequence_count))
self._aa_chg_freq = np.zeros((3, self._sequence_count))
self._aa_count = np.zeros((20, self._sequence_count))
self._aa_hyd_count = np.zeros((3, self._sequence_count))
self._aa_chg_count = np.zeros((3, self._sequence_count))
def _amino_acid_freq(self, normalize):
# if the sum of self._aa_count is zero then the count has not been performed at this point
if self._aa_count.sum() == 0:
for position in range(len(max(self._sequences, key=len))):
position_sequence = [x[position] for x in self._sequences if len(x) > position]
count_i = Counter(position_sequence)
total_i = len(position_sequence)
for amino_acid_i in count_i.keys():
self._aa_count[amino_acid_index[amino_acid_i], position] = count_i[amino_acid_i]
# _aa_hyd_freq: row1 -> hydrophilic
# row2 -> moderate
# row3 -> hydrophobic
if amino_acid_i in ['R', 'N', 'D', 'E', 'Q', 'K', 'S', 'T']:
self._aa_hyd_count[0, position] += count_i[amino_acid_i]
elif amino_acid_i in ['C', 'H', 'M']:
self._aa_hyd_count[1, position] += count_i[amino_acid_i]
self._aa_hyd_count[2, position] += count_i[amino_acid_i]
# _aa_chg_freq: row1 -> negative
# row2 -> positive
# row3 -> neutral
if amino_acid_i in ['D', 'E']:
self._aa_chg_count[0, position] += count_i[amino_acid_i]
elif amino_acid_i in ['R', 'K', 'H']:
self._aa_chg_count[1, position] += count_i[amino_acid_i]
self._aa_chg_count[2, position] += count_i[amino_acid_i]
# normalize values
# doing it even when it is not required comes at a small computational cost
# it would take longer if the user had to recalculate everything to have a count plot and then a
# frequency plot
self._aa_freq[:, position] = self._aa_count[:, position] / total_i
self._aa_chg_freq[:, position] = self._aa_chg_count[:, position] / total_i
self._aa_hyd_freq[:, position] = self._aa_hyd_count[:, position] / total_i
if normalize:
return self._aa_freq, self._aa_chg_freq, self._aa_hyd_freq
return self._aa_count, self._aa_chg_count, self._aa_hyd_count
[docs] def plot(self, sort_by='name', normalize=True, display_count=True, plot_path='./',
plot_name='AminoAcidFrequency.png', notebook_plot=True):
ipython_config = PythonConfig()
if ipython_config.matplotlib_interactive is False and ipython_config.ipython_info == 'notebook':
if sort_by not in ['name', 'hydropathy', 'charge']:
raise ValueError("Argument for sort_by not valid. Valid arguments are name, hydrophobicity and charge")
# get count/ freq matrices
# to avoid writing more code than necessary the count and freq are stored in the same variable
# since they will always be plotted independently
aa, chg, hyd = self._amino_acid_freq(normalize=normalize)
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for position in range(self._aa_freq.shape[1]):
previous = 0
# 20 distinct colors
colors = ["#023fa5", "#7d87b9", "#bec1d4", "#d6bcc0", "#bb7784", "#8e063b", "#4a6fe3", "#8595e1",
"#b5bbe3", "#e6afb9", "#e07b91", "#d33f6a", "#11c638", "#8dd593", "#c6dec7", "#ead3c6",
"#f0b98d", "#ef9708", "#0fcfc0", "#9cded6"]
if sort_by == 'name':
# previous, lgd = self.plot_helper(ax=ax, colors=colors,
# title='amino acids',
# keys=sorted(amino_acid_index.keys()),
# position=position, data=aa,
# previous=previous)
ax.set_title(self.region + ' amino acids', size=20)
for i, amino_acid in enumerate(sorted(amino_acid_index.keys())):
c = colors[i], aa[amino_acid_index[amino_acid], position], bottom=previous,
label=amino_acid, color=c, align='center')
previous += aa[amino_acid_index[amino_acid], position]
lgd = ax.legend(sorted(amino_acid_index.keys()), loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),
prop={"size": 16})
elif sort_by == 'hydropathy':
previous, lgd = self.plot_helper(ax=ax, colors=['b', 'r', 'k'],
keys=['Hydrophilic', 'Moderate',
position=position, data=hyd,
previous, lgd = self.plot_helper(ax=ax, colors=['b', 'r', 'k'],
title='amino acid charge',
keys=['Negative', 'Positive', 'Neutral'],
position=position, data=chg,
if display_count:
for position in range(aa.shape[1]):
ax.text(x=position, y=aa[:, position].sum(),
s=str(int(self._aa_count[:, position].sum())),
rotation=45, ha='center', va='bottom')
if normalize:
ax.set_ylabel('Frequency', size=16)
ax.set_ylabel('Count', size=16)
ax.set_xticklabels(self._numbering, rotation=60)
ax.set_xlabel('Position', size=16)
ax.set_ylim([0, aa.sum(0).max()*1.1])
if ipython_config.ipython_info == 'notebook' and notebook_plot:
fig.savefig(os.path.join(plot_path, plot_name), bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def plot_helper(self, ax, colors, title, keys, position, data, previous):
ax.set_title('{} {}'.format(self.region, title), size=20)
for i, prop_i in enumerate(keys):
c = colors[i], data[i, position], bottom=previous, label=prop_i, color=c, align='center')
previous += data[i, position]
lgd = ax.legend(keys, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),
prop={"size": 16})
return previous, lgd