from .chain import Chain
import numpy as np
import logging
from abpytools.utils import PythonConfig, Download
import json
import os
import pandas as pd
from .helper_functions import numbering_table_sequences, numbering_table_region, numbering_table_multiindex
from operator import itemgetter
from urllib import parse
from math import ceil
from .base import CollectionBase
from ..features.composition import *
from ..analysis.distance_metrics import *
from ..core.cache import Cache
from multiprocessing import Manager, Process
from inspect import signature
from .utils import (json_ChainCollection_formatter, pb2_ChainCollection_formatter, pb2_ChainCollection_parser,
fasta_ChainCollection_parser, json_ChainCollection_parser)
from .flags import *
# setting up debugging messages
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
ipython_config = PythonConfig()
if ipython_config.ipython_info == 'notebook':
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm # pragma: no cover
from tqdm import tqdm
from abpytools.core.formats import ChainCollectionProto
[docs]class ChainCollection(CollectionBase):
Object containing Chain objects and to perform analysis on the ensemble.
def __init__(self, antibody_objects=None, load=True, **kwargs):
if antibody_objects is None:
self.antibody_objects = []
if isinstance(antibody_objects, ChainCollection):
antibody_objects = antibody_objects.antibody_objects
elif not isinstance(antibody_objects, list):
raise ValueError("Expected a list, instead got object of type {}".format(type(antibody_objects)))
elif not all(isinstance(obj, Chain) for obj in antibody_objects) and len(antibody_objects) > 0:
raise ValueError("Expected a list containing objects of type Chain")
self.antibody_objects = antibody_objects
if len(set(x.numbering_scheme for x in antibody_objects)) == 1:
self._numbering_scheme = antibody_objects[0].numbering_scheme
raise ValueError("ChainCollection only support Chain objects with the same numbering scheme.")
if len(set(x.chain for x in antibody_objects)) == 1:
self._chain = antibody_objects[0].chain
elif len(set(x.chain for x in antibody_objects)) == 0:
self._chain = ''
raise ValueError("ChainCollection only support Chain objects with the same chain type.")
if load:
[docs] def load(self, show_progressbar=True, n_threads=4, verbose=True):
self.antibody_objects, self._chain = load_from_antibody_object(
n_threads=n_threads, verbose=verbose)
[docs] @classmethod
def load_from_fasta(cls, path, numbering_scheme=NUMBERING_FLAGS.CHOTHIA, n_threads=20,
verbose=True, show_progressbar=True):
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise ValueError("File does not exist!")
with open(path, 'r') as f:
antibody_objects = fasta_ChainCollection_parser(f, numbering_scheme=numbering_scheme)
chain_collection = cls(antibody_objects=antibody_objects, load=True,
n_threads=n_threads, verbose=verbose,
return chain_collection
[docs] @classmethod
def load_from_pb2(cls, path, n_threads=20, verbose=True, show_progressbar=True):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
proto_parser = ChainCollectionProto()
antibody_objects = pb2_ChainCollection_parser(proto_parser)
chain_collection = cls(antibody_objects=antibody_objects, load=True,
n_threads=n_threads, verbose=verbose,
return chain_collection
[docs] @classmethod
def load_from_json(cls, path, n_threads=20, verbose=True, show_progressbar=True):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
antibody_objects = json_ChainCollection_parser(data)
chain_collection = cls(antibody_objects=antibody_objects, load=True,
n_threads=n_threads, verbose=verbose,
return chain_collection
[docs] def save_to_json(self, path, update=True):
with open(os.path.join(path + '.json'), 'w') as f:
data = json_ChainCollection_formatter(self.antibody_objects)
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
[docs] def save_to_pb2(self, path, update=True):
proto_parser = ChainCollectionProto()
with open(os.path.join(path + '.pb2'), 'rb') as f:
except IOError:
# print("Creating new file")
pb2_ChainCollection_formatter(self.antibody_objects, proto_parser)
with open(os.path.join(path + '.pb2'), 'wb') as f:
[docs] def save_to_fasta(self, path, update=True):
with open(os.path.join(path + '.fasta'), 'w') as f:
f.writelines(make_fasta(self.names, self.sequences))
[docs] def molecular_weights(self, monoisotopic=False):
:param monoisotopic: bool whether to use monoisotopic values
:return: list
return [x.ab_molecular_weight(monoisotopic=monoisotopic) for x in self.antibody_objects]
[docs] def extinction_coefficients(self, extinction_coefficient_database='Standard', reduced=False):
:param extinction_coefficient_database: string with the name of the database to use
:param reduced: bool whether to consider the cysteines to be reduced
:return: list
return [x.ab_ec(extinction_coefficient_database=extinction_coefficient_database,
reduced=reduced) for x in self.antibody_objects]
[docs] def hydrophobicity_matrix(self):
if self._chain == CHAIN_FLAGS.HEAVY_CHAIN:
num_columns = 158
num_columns = 138
abs_hydrophobicity_matrix = np.zeros((len(self.antibody_objects), num_columns))
for row in range(abs_hydrophobicity_matrix.shape[0]):
abs_hydrophobicity_matrix[row] = self.antibody_objects[row].hydrophobicity_matrix
return abs_hydrophobicity_matrix
[docs] def get_object(self, name=''):
:param name: str
if name in self.names:
index = self.names.index(name)
return self[index]
raise ValueError('Could not find sequence with specified name')
[docs] def ab_region_index(self):
method to determine index of amino acids in CDR regions
:return: dictionary with names as keys and each value is a dictionary with keys CDR and FR
'CDR' entry contains dictionaries with CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 regions
'FR' entry contains dictionaries with FR1, FR2, FR3 and FR4 regions
return { {'CDR': x.ab_regions()[0], 'FR': x.ab_regions()[1]} for x in self.antibody_objects}
[docs] def numbering_table(self, as_array=False, region='all'):
region = numbering_table_region(region)
table = np.row_stack(
[x.ab_numbering_table(as_array=True, region=region) for x in self.antibody_objects])
if as_array:
return table
# return the data as a pandas.DataFrame -> it's slower but looks nicer and makes it easier to get
# the data of interest
whole_sequence_dict, whole_sequence = numbering_table_sequences(region, self._numbering_scheme, self._chain)
multi_index = numbering_table_multiindex(region=region,
# create the DataFrame and assign the columns and index names
data = pd.DataFrame(data=table)
data.columns = multi_index
data.index = self.names
return data
[docs] def igblast_server_query(self, chunk_size=50, show_progressbar=True, **kwargs):
:param show_progressbar:
:param chunk_size:
:param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to igblast_options
# check if query is larger than 50 sequences
# if so split into several queries
query_list = self._split_to_chunks(chunk_size=chunk_size)
n_chunks = ceil(len(self) / chunk_size) - 1
if show_progressbar:
for query in tqdm(query_list, total=n_chunks):
self._igblast_server_query(query, **kwargs)
for query in query_list:
self._igblast_server_query(query, **kwargs)
def _igblast_server_query(self, query, **kwargs):
# prepare raw data
fasta_query = make_fasta(names=query.names, sequences=query.sequences)
# get url with igblast options
url = igblast_options(sequences=fasta_query, **kwargs)
# send and download query
q = Download(url, verbose=False)
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Check the internet connection.") # pragma: no cover
igblast_result = q.html
self._parse_igblast_query(igblast_result, query.names)
[docs] def igblast_local_query(self, file_path):
# load in file
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
igblast_result = f.readlines()
self._parse_igblast_query(igblast_result, self.names)
[docs] def append(self, antibody_obj):
self.antibody_objects += antibody_obj
[docs] def pop(self, index=-1):
if index > len(self):
raise ValueError("The given index is outside the range of the object.")
element_to_pop = self[index]
return element_to_pop
def _destroy(self, index):
del self.antibody_objects[index]
# def filter(self):
# # TODO: complete method
# pass
[docs] def set_numbering_scheme(self, numbering_scheme, realign=True):
if realign:
self._numbering_scheme = numbering_scheme
self.antibody_objects, self._chain = load_from_antibody_object(self.antibody_objects)
print("Could not realign sequences, nothing has been changed.")
self._numbering_scheme = numbering_scheme
def names(self):
return [ for x in self.antibody_objects]
def sequences(self):
return [x.sequence for x in self.antibody_objects]
def aligned_sequences(self):
return [x.aligned_sequence for x in self.antibody_objects]
def n_ab(self):
return len(self.sequences)
def chain(self):
if self._chain == '':
chains = set([x.chain for x in self.antibody_objects])
if len(chains) == 1:
self._chain = next(iter(chains))
return self._chain
raise ValueError('Different types of chains found in collection!')
return self._chain
def numbering_scheme(self):
return self._numbering_scheme
def charge(self):
return np.array([x.ab_charge() for x in self.antibody_objects])
def total_charge(self):
return { x.ab_total_charge() for x in self.antibody_objects}
def germline_identity(self):
return { x.germline_identity for x in self.antibody_objects}
def germline(self):
return { x.germline for x in self.antibody_objects}
def _string_summary_basic(self):
return "abpytools.ChainCollection Chain type: {}, Number of sequences: {}".format(self._chain,
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s at 0x%02x>" % (self._string_summary_basic(), id(self))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.antibody_objects)
def __getitem__(self, indices):
if isinstance(indices, int):
return self.antibody_objects[indices]
return ChainCollection(antibody_objects=list(itemgetter(*indices)(self.antibody_objects)))
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ChainCollection):
if self.numbering_scheme != other.numbering_scheme:
raise ValueError("Concatenation requires ChainCollection "
"objects to use the same numbering scheme.")
new_object_list = self.antibody_objects + other.antibody_objects
elif isinstance(other, Chain):
if self.numbering_scheme != other.numbering_scheme:
raise ValueError("Concatenation requires Chain object to use "
"the same numbering scheme as ChainCollection.")
new_object_list = self.antibody_objects + [other]
raise ValueError("Concatenation requires other to be of type "
"ChainCollection, got {} instead".format(type(other)))
return ChainCollection(antibody_objects=new_object_list, load=False)
def _split_to_chunks(self, chunk_size=50):
Helper function to split ChainCollection into size chunk_size and returns generator
:param chunk_size: int, size of each chunk
:return: generator to iterate of each chunk of size chunk_size
if self.n_ab > chunk_size:
for x in range(0, self.n_ab, chunk_size):
yield self[range(x, min(x + chunk_size, self.n_ab))]
yield self
def _parse_igblast_query(self, igblast_result, names):
igblast_result_dict = load_igblast_query(igblast_result, names)
# unpack results
for name in names:
obj_i = self.get_object(name=name)
obj_i.germline = igblast_result_dict[name][1]
obj_i.germline_identity = igblast_result_dict[name][0]
[docs] def loading_status(self):
return [x.status for x in self.antibody_objects]
[docs] def composition(self, method='count'):
Amino acid composition of each sequence. Each resulting list is organised alphabetically (see
:param method:
if method == 'count':
return [order_seq(aa_composition(seq)) for seq in self.sequences]
elif method == 'freq':
return [order_seq(aa_frequency(seq)) for seq in self.sequences]
elif method == 'chou':
return chou_pseudo_aa_composition(self.sequences)
elif method == 'triad':
return triad_method(self.sequences)
elif method == 'hydrophobicity':
return self.hydrophobicity_matrix()
elif method == 'volume':
return side_chain_volume(self.sequences)
raise ValueError("Unknown method")
[docs] def distance_matrix(self, feature=None, metric='cosine_similarity', multiprocessing=False):
Returns the distance matrix using a given feature and distance metric
:param feature: string with the name of the feature to use
:param metric: string with the name of the metric to use
:param multiprocessing: bool to turn multiprocessing on/off (True/False)
:return: list of lists with distances between all sequences of len(data) with each list of len(data)
when i==j M_i,j = 0
if feature is None:
transformed_data = self.sequences
elif isinstance(feature, str):
# in this case the features are calculated using a predefined featurisation method (see self.composition)
transformed_data = self.composition(method=feature)
elif isinstance(feature, list):
# a user defined list with vectors
if len(feature) != self.n_ab:
raise ValueError("Expected a list of size {}, instead got {}.".format(self.n_ab, len(feature)))
transformed_data = feature
raise TypeError("Unexpected input for feature argument.")
if metric == 'cosine_similarity':
distances = self._run_distance_matrix(transformed_data, cosine_similarity, multiprocessing=multiprocessing)
elif metric == 'cosine_distance':
distances = self._run_distance_matrix(transformed_data, cosine_distance, multiprocessing=multiprocessing)
elif metric == 'hamming_distance':
# be careful hamming distance only works when all sequences have the same length
distances = self._run_distance_matrix(transformed_data, hamming_distance, multiprocessing=multiprocessing)
elif metric == 'levenshtein_distance':
distances = self._run_distance_matrix(transformed_data, levenshtein_distance,
elif metric == 'euclidean_distance':
distances = self._run_distance_matrix(transformed_data, euclidean_distance, multiprocessing=multiprocessing)
elif metric == 'manhattan_distance':
distances = self._run_distance_matrix(transformed_data, manhattan_distance, multiprocessing=multiprocessing)
elif callable(metric):
# user defined metric function
user_function_signature = signature(metric)
# number of params should be two, can take args with defaults though
default_params = sum(['=' in x for x in user_function_signature.parameters])
if len(user_function_signature.parameters) - default_params > 2:
raise ValueError("Expected a function with two parameters")
distances = self._run_distance_matrix(transformed_data, metric, multiprocessing=multiprocessing)
raise ValueError("Unknown distance metric.")
return distances
def _run_distance_matrix(self, data, metric, multiprocessing=False):
Helper function to setup the calculation of each entry in the distance matrix
:param data: list with all sequences
:param metric: function that takes two string and calculates distance
:param multiprocessing: bool to turn multiprocessing on/off (True/False)
:return: list of lists with distances between all sequences of len(data) with each list of len(data)
when i==j M_i,j = 0
if multiprocessing:
with Manager() as manager:
cache = manager.dict()
matrix = manager.dict()
jobs = [Process(target=self._distance_matrix,
args=(data, i, metric, cache, matrix)) for i in range(len(data))]
for j in jobs:
for j in jobs:
# order the data
return [matrix[x] for x in range(len(data))]
cache = Cache(max_cache_size=(len(data) * (len(data) - 1)) / 2)
matrix = Cache(max_cache_size=len(data))
for i in range(len(data)):
cache.update(i, self._distance_matrix(data, i, metric, cache, matrix))
return [matrix[x] for x in range(len(data))]
def _distance_matrix(data, i, metric, cache, matrix):
Function to calculate distance from the ith sequence of the ith row to the remaining entries in the same row
:param data: list with all sequences
:param i: int that indicates the matrix row being processed
:param metric: function that takes two string and calculates distance
:param cache: either a Manager or Cache object to cache results
:param matrix: either a Manager or Cache object to store results in a matrix
:return: None
row = []
seq_1 = data[i]
for j, seq_2 in enumerate(data):
if i == j:
keys = ('{}-{}'.format(i, j), '{}-{}'.format(j, i))
if keys[0] not in cache or keys[1] not in cache:
cache['{}-{}'.format(i, j)] = metric(seq_1, seq_2)
if keys[0] in cache:
elif keys[1] in cache:
raise ValueError("Bug in row {} and column {}".format(i, j))
matrix[i] = row
[docs]def load_antibody_object(antibody_object):
return antibody_object
[docs]def load_from_antibody_object(antibody_objects, show_progressbar=True, n_threads=20, verbose=True):
antibody_objects (list):
show_progressbar (bool):
n_threads (int):
verbose (bool):
if verbose:
print("Loading in antibody objects")
from queue import Queue
import threading
q = Queue()
for i in range(n_threads):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(q,))
t.daemon = True
if show_progressbar:
for antibody_object in tqdm(antibody_objects):
for antibody_object in antibody_objects:
# if show_progressbar:
# aprun = parallelexecutor(use_bar='tqdm', n_jobs=n_jobs, timeout=timeout)
# else:
# aprun = parallelexecutor(use_bar='None', n_jobs=n_jobs, timeout=timeout)
# # load in objects in parallel
# antibody_objects = aprun(total=len(antibody_objects))(
# delayed(load_antibody_object)(obj) for obj in antibody_objects)
status = [x.status for x in antibody_objects]
failed = sum([1 if x == 'Not Loaded' or x == 'Failed' else 0 for x in status])
# remove objects that did not load
while 'Not Loaded' in status:
i = status.index('Not Loaded')
del antibody_objects[i], status[i]
while 'Failed' in status:
i = status.index('Failed')
del antibody_objects[i], status[i]
if verbose:
print("Failed to load {} objects in list".format(failed))
loaded_obj_chains = [x.chain for x in antibody_objects if x.status == 'Loaded']
if len(set(loaded_obj_chains)) == 1:
chain = loaded_obj_chains[0]
raise ValueError("All sequences must be of the same chain type: Light or Heavy",
set([x.chain for x in loaded_obj_chains]))
n_ab = len(loaded_obj_chains)
if n_ab == 0:
raise ValueError("Could not find any heavy or light chains in provided file or list of objects")
return antibody_objects, chain
[docs]def load_igblast_query(igblast_result, names):
:param names:
:param igblast_result:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Please install bs4 to parse the IGBLAST html file:"
"pip install beautifulsoup4")
# instantiate BeautifulSoup object to make life easier with the html text!
if isinstance(igblast_result, list):
soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(igblast_result), "lxml")
soup = BeautifulSoup(igblast_result, "lxml")
# get the results found in <div id="content"> and return the text as a string
results = soup.find(attrs={'id': "content"}).text
# get query names
query = re.compile('Query: (.*)')
query_ids = query.findall(results)
# make sure that all the query names in query are in self.names
if not set(names).issubset(set(query_ids)):
raise ValueError('Make sure that you gave the same names in ChainCollection as you gave'
'in the query submitted to IGBLAST')
# regular expression to get tabular data from each region
all_queries = re.compile('(Query: .*?)\n\n\n\n', re.DOTALL)
# parse the results with regex and get a list with each query data
parsed_results = all_queries.findall(results)
# regex to get the FR and CDR information for each string in parsed results
region_finder = re.compile('^([CDR\d|FR\d|Total].*)', re.MULTILINE)
result_dict = {}
# iterate over each string in parsed result which contains the result for individual queries
for query_result in parsed_results:
# get query name and get the relevant object
query_i = query.findall(query_result)[0]
# check if the query being parsed is part of the object
# (not all queries have to be part of the object, but the object names must be a subset of the queries)
if query_i not in set(names):
# list with CDR and FR info for query result
region_info = region_finder.findall(query_result)
# get the data from region info with dict comprehension
germline_identity = {x.split()[0].split('-')[0]: float(x.split()[-1]) for x in region_info}
# get the top germline assignment
v_line_assignment = re.compile('V\s{}\t.*'.format(query_i))
# the top germline assignment is at the top (index 0)
germline_result = v_line_assignment.findall(results)[0].split()
# store the germline assignment and the bit score in a tuple as the germline attribute of Chain
germline = (germline_result[2], float(germline_result[-2]))
result_dict[query_i] = (germline_identity, germline)
return result_dict
[docs]def worker(q):
while True:
item = q.get()
[docs]def make_fasta(names, sequences):
file_string = ''
for name, sequence in zip(names, sequences):
file_string += '>{}\n'.format(name)
file_string += '{}\n'.format(sequence)
return file_string
[docs]def igblast_options(sequences, domain='imgt',
germline_db_J='IG_DB / imgt.Homo_sapiens.J.f.orf',
num_alignments_V=1, num_alignments_D=1, num_alignments_J=1):
values = {"queryseq": sequences,
"germline_db_V": germline_db_V,
"germline_db_D": germline_db_D,
"germline_db_J": germline_db_J,
"num_alignments_V": str(num_alignments_V),
"num_alignments_D": str(num_alignments_D),
"num_alignments_J": str(num_alignments_J),
"outfmt": "7",
"domain": domain,
"program": "blastp"}
url = ""
url += parse.urlencode(values)
return url