from .chain_collection import Chain, ChainCollection
import numpy as np
from .chain import calculate_charge
from abpytools.utils import DataLoader
from .helper_functions import germline_identity_pd, to_numbering_table
[docs]class Fab:
def __init__(self, heavy_chain=None, light_chain=None, load=True, name=None):
# As a convention the order will always be light chain (index 0) and then heavy chain (index 1)
# check if it's an Chain class
if heavy_chain is None and light_chain is None:
raise ValueError('heavy_chain and light_chain must be provided')
if isinstance(heavy_chain, Chain):
self._heavy_chain = heavy_chain
raise ValueError('heavy_chain must be a Chain object, but got {} instead'.format(type(heavy_chain)))
if isinstance(light_chain, Chain):
self._light_chain = light_chain
raise ValueError('light_chain must be a Chain object, but got {} instead'.format(type(light_chain)))
if self._heavy_chain.chain != 'heavy':
raise ValueError("heavy_chain is not a heavy chain, it is {}".format(self._heavy_chain.chain))
if self._light_chain.chain != 'light':
raise ValueError("light_chain is not a light chain, it is {}".format(self._light_chain.chain))
self._pair_sequence = self[0].sequence + self[1].sequence
if isinstance(name, str):
self._name = name
elif name is None:
self._name = 'ID1'
# keep the name of the heavy and light chains internally to keep everything in the right order
self._internal_heavy_name = self[1].name
self._internal_light_name = self[0].name
[docs] def load(self):
[docs] def molecular_weight(self, monoisotopic=False):
return self[0].ab_molecular_weight(monoisotopic=monoisotopic) +\
[docs] def extinction_coefficient(self, reduced=False, normalise=False, **kwargs):
light_ec = self[0].ab_ec(reduced=reduced, **kwargs)
heavy_ec = self[1].ab_ec(reduced=reduced, **kwargs)
if normalise:
return (heavy_ec + light_ec) / (self.molecular_weight(**kwargs))
return heavy_ec + light_ec
[docs] def hydrophobicity_matrix(self, **kwargs):
return np.concatenate((self[0].ab_hydrophobicity_matrix(**kwargs),
[docs] def charge(self, **kwargs):
return np.concatenate((self[0].ab_charge(**kwargs), self[1].ab_charge(**kwargs)))
[docs] def total_charge(self, ph=7.4, pka_database='Wikipedia'):
available_pi_databases = ["EMBOSS", "DTASetect", "Solomon", "Sillero", "Rodwell", "Wikipedia", "Lehninger",
assert pka_database in available_pi_databases, \
"Selected pI database {} not available. Available databases: {}".format(pka_database,
', '.join(available_pi_databases))
data_loader = DataLoader(data_type='AminoAcidProperties', data=['pI', pka_database])
pka_data = data_loader.get_data()
return calculate_charge(sequence=self.sequence, ph=ph, pka_values=pka_data)
# def load_igblast_query(self, file_path, chain):
# if chain.lower() == 'light':
# self._light_chains.load_igblast_query(file_path=file_path)
# elif chain.lower() == 'heavy':
# self._heavy_chains.load_igblast_query(file_path=file_path)
# else:
# raise ValueError('Specify if the data being loaded is for the heavy or light chain')
[docs] def numbering_table(self, as_array=False, region='all', chain='both'):
return to_numbering_table(as_array=as_array, region=region, chain=chain,
def name(self):
return self._name
def sequence(self):
return self._pair_sequence
def aligned_sequence(self):
return self[0].aligned_sequence + self[1].aligned_sequence
def germline_identity(self):
return self._germline_identity()
# @property
# def germline(self):
# heavy_germline = self._heavy_chains.germline
# light_germline = self._light_chains.germline
# return {name_i: {"Heavy": heavy_germline[heavy_i],
# "Light": light_germline[light_i]} for name_i, heavy_i,
# light_i in zip(self._names, self._internal_heavy_name,
# self._internal_light_name)}
def _string_summary_basic(self):
return "abpytools.Fab Name: {} Sequence length: {}".format(, len(self.sequence))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.sequence)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s at 0x%02x>" % (self._string_summary_basic(), id(self))
def __getitem__(self, index):
if index == 0:
# get light chain
return self._light_chain
elif index == 1:
return self._heavy_chain
raise ValueError("Can only slice object with either 0 (light chain) or 1 (heavy chain)")
def _germline_identity(self):
# empty dictionaries return false
if bool(self[1].germline_identity) is False:
# this means there is no information about the germline,
# by default it will run a web query
# this is a very lazy fix to to do a web query using a Chain object...
if bool(self[0].germline_identity) is False:
return germline_identity_pd({self._internal_heavy_name: self[0].germline_identity},
{self._internal_light_name: self[1].germline_identity},