Source code for abpytools.core.helper_functions

from ..utils import DataLoader
import itertools
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

available_regions = ['FR1', 'CDR1', 'FR2', 'CDR2', 'FR3', 'CDR3', 'FR4']

[docs]def numbering_table_sequences(region, numbering_scheme, chain): # next two conditionals are used to only extract the needed data with FR and CDR positions # it makes the loading of the data quicker when there are only CDRs or FRs if any([True if x.startswith('CDR') else False for x in region]): cdr_list = DataLoader(data_type='CDR_positions', data=[numbering_scheme, chain]) cdrs = cdr_list.get_data() else: cdrs = {} if any([True if x.startswith('FR') else False for x in region]): fr_list = DataLoader(data_type='Framework_positions', data=[numbering_scheme, chain]) frs = fr_list.get_data() else: frs = {} # pack it all up into a single dictionary whole_sequence_dict = {**cdrs, **frs} # get the sequence list in the correct order (since region has been sorted before) whole_sequence_list = [whole_sequence_dict[x] for x in region] # unpack whole_sequence_list into a single list whole_sequence = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(whole_sequence_list)) return whole_sequence_dict, whole_sequence
[docs]def numbering_table_region(region): # if 'all' is chosen then region becomes a list with all if region == 'all': region = ['FR1', 'CDR1', 'FR2', 'CDR2', 'FR3', 'CDR3', 'FR4'] # if region is a string (i.e. 'CDR1') it becomes a list and in the next block of code is checked if it # is a valid selection if isinstance(region, str): region = [region] # checks if the selected regions are all in the available_regions if not set(region).issubset(set(available_regions)): raise ValueError("The chosen region is not available" "Currently available regions: {}".format(available_regions)) # make sure the regions are in a logical order region.sort(key=lambda x: available_regions.index(x)) return region
[docs]def numbering_table_multiindex(region, whole_sequence_dict): # [[(CDR1, L23), (CDR1, L24),..], ..., [(CDR3, L100), ...]] # here we get the list of lists from the line above pre_region_map = [[(region_i, numbering) for numbering in whole_sequence_dict[region_i]] for region_i in region] # which can be easily unpacked into a single list # region_map is a list of tuples that can be interpreted by pd.MultiIndex to form a two layer column system region_map = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(pre_region_map)) multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples=region_map, names=['Region', 'Numbering']) return multi_index
[docs]def germline_identity_pd(heavy_identity, light_identity, internal_heavy, internal_light, names): regions = ['CDR1', 'CDR2', 'CDR3', 'FR1', 'FR2', 'FR3', 'Total'] columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Light', x) for x in regions] + [('Heavy', x) for x in regions] + [('Average', x) for x in regions], names=['Chain', 'Region']) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=names) for column in columns: if column[0] == 'Light': df[column] = [light_identity[x][column[1]] if column[1] in light_identity[x] else np.NaN for x in internal_light] # df[column] = list(map(lambda x: light_identity[x][column[1]] if column[1] in light_identity[x] else np.NaN, # internal_light)) elif column[0] == 'Heavy': df[column] = [heavy_identity[x][column[1]] if column[1] in heavy_identity[x] else np.NaN for x in internal_heavy] # df[column] = list(map(lambda x: heavy_identity[x][column[1]] if column[1] in heavy_identity[x] else np.NaN, # internal_heavy)) else: df[column] = (df[('Light', column[1])] + df[('Heavy', column[1])]) / 2 return df
[docs]def to_numbering_table(as_array, region, chain, heavy_chains_numbering_table, light_chains_numbering_table, names, **kwargs): if chain == 'both': if as_array: t_heavy = heavy_chains_numbering_table(as_array=True, region=region, **kwargs) t_light = light_chains_numbering_table(as_array=True, region=region, **kwargs) data = np.concatenate((t_light, t_heavy), axis=1) else: t_heavy = heavy_chains_numbering_table(as_array=False, region=region, **kwargs) t_light = light_chains_numbering_table(as_array=False, region=region, **kwargs) t_heavy.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) t_light.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) data = pd.concat([t_light, t_heavy], axis=1, keys=['Light', 'Heavy']) elif chain == 'heavy': data = heavy_chains_numbering_table(as_array=as_array, region=region, **kwargs) elif chain == 'light': data = light_chains_numbering_table(as_array=as_array, region=region, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown chain.") if not as_array: data.index = names return data